
  • Signs Your Home Is Vulnerable To Break-Ins

    While we all hope to be safe from break-ins, there are some undeniable signs that your home could be a target on your block. Here are some potential ways that you are vulnerable, along with how you can fix the issue.  You Don't Have an Alarm System  One way that you can counteract this is to install a home alarm system and make sure it's know to the public. Place signs in your yard from your home security company. [Read More]

  • Security Options For Your Small Retail Business

    Large retail companies often invest in sophisticated security systems to protect their inventory, but finding the right security setup can be a bit more difficult for the small retail storeowner. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to secure your business and boost security. Use this guide to help determine which security measures are right for your store. Install Security Mirrors Your store may have blind spots, which can give potential shoplifters the cover they need to steal items without being spotted. [Read More]

  • 8 Holiday Home Safety Tips For The Concerned Homeowner

    Locksmiths around the country will tell you that the holidays are a contentious time for those concerned about their home and property. You may look forward to spending time with loved ones, but you do not want to leave your home alone and unsecured. These tips will help you feel safe this holiday season. 1. Take away the opportunity. Look for packages from locksmiths offering home monitoring systems in addition to timers, lights, and other items that will protect your home from theft. [Read More]

  • 4 Ways To Maintain Access To Your Shed

    If you have a shed on your property, you probably use it to store many of the items that you don't use on a daily basis, such as your yard equipment. Even though you may not use the stored equipment daily, you probably still want to be able to access the stored items at will. This can be difficult if you misplace the keys to your shed, especially if you don't want to damage the door or locks of the structure. [Read More]

  • Questions To Ask In A Nighttime Car Lockout

    Staying calm and proceeding with care is important in an emergency lockout. Here are some questions to ask yourself to deal with a lockout safely.  Am I Safe? The first question that you should ask isn't even about your car. If you are in an area where you will be unsafe, such as a deserted spot or a place where lots of high-speed traffic will be passing by, then you may want to abandon your car for now and figure out what to do from a more neutral spot. [Read More]

  • Locksmiths: Overlooked Security Experts

    It is a sad, but true fact that in today's world, homeowners are required to stress over the security of their homes more than ever before. In many cases, homeowners will turn to the services of a local security company or take a do-it-yourself approach to improving their home security in response to frequently rising crime rates. While both of these options are certainly valuable options to consider, there is yet another option that many people tend to overlook. [Read More]